Friday, April 8, 2011

Kourtney And Kim’s ADVENTURE

''I surprised Kim and picked her up in Scott’s pick up truck for lunch and some errands. She was definitely shocked to see what we would be rolling around in… and it was no Rolls Royce. We did have a blast and I even got Kim behind the wheel to help me park the monster truck. We also got a flat tire which added to our adventurous day.''-Kourtney

''Yesterday Kourt picked me up in Scott’s huge truck and we drove around West Hollywood.
We ended up getting a flat tire! LOL. Fun times!''-Kim

Kris,Kim and Kendall take a walk while filming for KUWTK

Monday, April 4, 2011

Kim is Cosmo UK Girl !!!

The Mail has some excerpts from Kim’s interview too - she’s just talking on and on and on about body image and stuff. It’s kind of boring, but she talks to such excess about taking pride in her curves that I now think she’s got issues with them.

In this celebrity world of size zeros and obsessions with weight, diets and body image, there’s one celebrity that has broken the mold to stand out from the crowd. And Kim Kardashian said that she loves her curvaceous figure, couldn’t care less whether she has cellulite and always finds time to pig out on ice-cream. The reality TV star, 30, said she has never aspired to be a size zero and added that she ‘couldn’t care less’ if she was a size 4 or a size 14.

Speaking to the British Cosmopolitan, she said: ‘I have cellulite. So what! I’ve never claimed to be perfect. It’s crazy anyone should assume that just because you’re in the spotlight, you’re flawless. Sometimes I pig out and I still feel great, and think, “That was so worth it!” That’s how I feel a lot of the time. I think, “See this little dimple of cellulite here? It was so worth it for that cookies ’n’ cream ice cream!”’

‘If I was stuck on a diet my whole life, I would be really miserable. I love to eat. If you can’t enjoy your life then what’s the point? You can’t torture yourself. I love Rice Krispies Treats, ice cream and frozen yogurt. I never aspired to be a size zero. Although one time I tried on a dress with a size-8 label when I thought I was a size 4. It turned out it was a UK size 8, so actually it was my normal size. But it made me think, “Why do I even care?” I couldn’t care less if it said 14. It’s just a number. Your best measure is to look in the mirror. I always say you shouldn’t weigh yourself. I don’t even have a set of scales in my house.’

Kim has often been celebrated - and criticised - for her round, curvy and sexy derriere, which she said she absolutely loves.

She added: ‘I see ridiculous stories about my butt, like how it has been insured. I feel like saying, “Hey, everyone has a butt. It’s not that big a deal!” But I suppose it’s flattering. Personally, I’ve always loved the curvy look. Even when I was a little girl and all my friends would be like, “Oh, my god, your butt’s so big”. And I’d say, “I love it”.’

She also said she loved that she and her sisters Khloe, 26, and Kourtney, 31, are built completely differently to her and that’s what makes them all beautiful.

Kim said: ‘Khloé is super-tall, with great legs; Kourtney is tiny with a great stomach. We embrace the fact that no one is really alike. Our parents always made us feel like, “This is who we are, we’re all beautiful and this is exactly how we’re supposed to be”. We never had any pressure to look different and I think that’s why we’re so confident about it today.’

Although she admitted that Kourtney did make fun of the fact that she started to grow breasts at the age of 10.

She said: ‘Kourtney would always make fun of me for having bigger boobs than she did. When you’re young, it’s embarrassing. Your body is changing and it’s scary. Then when I was 15, I realised it was great. I’ve never wished for smaller boobs since.’

And despite looking very different from her two sisters, Kim said they are great friends and boost each other all the time with compliments.

She said: ‘Having a bunch of sisters is like built-in best friends. We pump each other up and compliment one another. I don’t agree with women judging other women when they don’t know them. It’s bad for the soul and your self-esteem. Nobody has the right to judge. Especially me! I don’t have a perfect body, so why would I be mean about someone else’s?’''

The full interview appears in the May issue of Cosmopolitan, on sale 7th April. :)
