Thursday, March 24, 2011

Is Kim Kardashian Really Moving to NYC and Marrying Kris Humphries?

Kim Kardashian has been spending an awful lot of time in NYC lately to be with her NJ Nets boyfriend Kris Humphries.

But is the California girl really saying goodbye to L.A. for good to be with her man in the Big Apple? And has Kris already put a ring on it?

We've got the scoop straight from the source and her BFF...

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Kim herself shot down the engagement reported in OK! magazine, tweeting: "No clue! Haha I'm not! RT @BeckDobie: New weekly this week says that @KimKardashian is a bridezilla, since when did Kim become engaged!??

And as for an East Coast move, her BFF and Spin Crowd star Jonathan Cheban told me it probably won't happen.

How come?

"As much as I want her to, I don't think that's gonna happen," he explained at Cosmopolitan's iPad app party last night in NYC. "Kim's whole family is out there [in L.A.] and I think she'll make Kris move to the Lakers before she moves to New York."

But the couple is still going strong, despite their long distance relationship.

"I know she loves seeing him so she's making lots of New York trips," Jonathan told me, "They're so very happy together."

As for why they work so well together, Jonathan says it's because he's down-to-earth and direct.

"I think he's very honest and he doesn't care about this whole [celebrity] scene. He says it how it is and he doesn't pussyfoot around her."

Kim is actually en route to the Big Apple today and she's not traveling alone.

"Sooo excited to go to NYC w my lil sis @KendallJenner Fun sister trip!" she tweeted.


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