Monday, January 24, 2011

Exclusive! Kourtney, Kim and Khloe Give Advice on Surviving High School! How can you be “famous” when you’re still in high school?
Khloe: I don’t know. I think high school is where you keep your own circle of friends. From junior school to high school, I think that’s easier because you kind of know your circle of friends. I think it’s hard if you are famous and you go to a new school, I think that might be a little harder. But I am a very positive person and I think you should treat others how you would want to be treated. And just be a nice person. And if that’s how you are, I think it would easier to sift through the BS to handle to high school life. There’s a section in your book about posing for pictures. What advice can you give us on posing for prom pictures or yearbook pictures?
Kim: If only we knew back then…

Kourtney: I know.

Khloe: Seriously.

Kim: You just have to really look at yourself in the mirror and know what looks best for you. I think one tip for everyone is if they want their face to look skinnier, look down. That eliminates a double chin.

Khloe: And everywhere though, photographers always tell you to look up and I’m like, “no, no, no.” You trust your own thing and you don’t listen to other people because they don’t know your face. That’s my note to that.

Kourtney: And I say, suck it in and stand up straight and shoulders back.

Khloe: You need to take your own advice.

Kourtney: That takes off 10 pounds. Whenever I look at a picture I don’t like, it’s because I’m not doing that. I think that it instantly makes the posture look good. It makes you look confident.

Khloe: And looking at old photos I think is good.

Kourtney: Yeah, looking at old photos of ones you like and ones you don’t like and seeing what you’re doing and not doing. Good to know! Ok, how can we get our high school crush to notice us?

Kourtney: Confidence. If I had the confidence I had now when I was in high school, I swear I’d own the school. I just think having confidence and being secure in yourself…

Khloe: Well, confidence takes time.

Kourtney: No, it does take time, so I get that’s why not everyone has it anyway…

Khloe: I also think if you try too hard for your crush to notice you, you look like a fool. I think just be who you are and if he doesn’t notice you then he’s not the one for you and there’s a reason for that. Sometimes, people have a crush because everyone hypes this person up and then when you hang out with them you’re like, “Ooh, you’re so lame.” You’re not even a nice person. And if you’re yourself and he doesn’t like you, then move on and find a new crush cause honey, there’s millions of new crushes. Don’t change for anybody. OK, last question. What can you do if you get into a huge fight with your clique and/or your best friends?

Khloe: God, I hate high school. High school was a biotch.

Kourtney: I say, take a sick day.

Kim: I never fought with my friends. It was weird…

Kourtney: I did!

Khloe: No, but there were mean girls in school. Girls could be really brutal.

Kim: Thank God I went to school with Kourtney. When I had a problem, I’d run to her.

Khloe: Thank God I went to home school. I don’t know. It’s so much easier said than done. Because when you’re going through that it’s like, the end of the world.

Kourtney: Call me and I’ll come cuss them out.

Kim: Or, I just think that if you’re friends with a bunch of different people… Like I was always cool with all the different cliques and made sure just to be nice to everyone.

Kourtney: Kim’s a people pleaser.

Kim: Yeah…

Khloe: She really is…

Kourtney: She’ll be nice to everyone, so she always has a home.

Khloe: Yeah, I’m not down for that. I would rather be a loner and be who I wanna be and not have to be fake to everyone.

Kim: I would shake if I had to go eat by myself.

Khloe: Oh, I don’t eat by myself. I’m just saying, everyone liked me because they were probably afraid of me.

Kim: Like if my friends were in different classes or I couldn’t find them at lunch time, I would shake.

Kourtney: Kim would probably go in the bathroom and lock herself in and eat in there.

Kim: Yeah, or I would look for Kourtney or something.

Khloe: What? Why?

Kim: I just could not. I was embarrassed to sit alone.

Khloe: What a miserable life you led. Thank God you have us now. Is that why you like us now? She probably really hates us and doesn’t want to be alone in interviews, so that’s why she’s friends with us.

Kim: Totally. ..Thanks so much!!!

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