Monday, January 24, 2011

Kourtney : My Family Hates My Boyfriend

Kourtney Kardashian appeared on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' on Thursday, ready to talk about her new show -- and some family drama. She opened up about her troubles with boyfriend Scott Disick, of whom she says her family is no fan -- though things are getting a tiny bit better.

"There's progress. Last year, in our Christmas card, Scott was not in it, Ryan Seacrest took his place," Kardashian said, explaining that her mother chose a picture from Khloe's wedding for the family Christmas picture. "Scott was like, 'I wasn't even in a wedding picture? No one asked me to even be in one?'"

This year, Disick was in the Christmas photo -- because he can finally be in the same room as his family.

"Now Khloe and Scott can be in the same room. Before they would be like, if Scott knew Khloe was going to be there, he wouldn't come, if Khloe knew Scott was going to be there, she wouldn't come," Kourtney said.." So now they can be in the same room -- they're definitely not calling each other like, 'I miss you so much, let's talk,' they don't speak, but they're civil."

It's taken a while to get to this point, as Kourtney and Disick, parents to one-year old son Mason, have had their ups and downs -- including a violent breakup last summer.

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