Friday, January 21, 2011

Kanye West Encouraged Kim Kardashian to Sing

Kanye West is responsible for Kim Kardashian’s ‘singing career’. Kardashian spoke to MTV News about how, if we like, and I encourage the same, we can begin directing our collective hate mail and muffin baskets from the Natural Harvest cookbook, to West. ‘Kanye was actually one of the people who really talked me into doing it and telling me, like, ‘Hey, look, what do you guys do for fun? You guys go shopping, you go to the movies. Kind of step into our world for a second and have fun, and we go to the studio.” That was the conversation that took place. Comparing entering the music industry to shopping. And suggesting Kardashian record between bites of her sammich. ‘OK, I’m not a singer, this isn’t what I do. I have too much other stuff going on. Is this really something safe for me to do?’ she opines, adding, ‘I’m just doing it for fun, and The-Dream wrote and produced the song, and Ciara talked me into doing it and said I should meet with him… It’s just one song, and it’s just for fun.’ So, it’s also the fault of Ciara and The-Dream, it’s ‘just one song’ and not a whole album. She’s following the ‘Katie Price Guide To Becoming A One Hit Wonder’. Funsies.

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