Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy 20th Anniversary Kris And Bruce Jenner !!

Today (April 21) marks 20 years since Bruce and Kris Jenner tied the knot. Surely they couldn’t have imagined that two decades later, they’d be one of the most recognizable families in the world, but fate is funny like that.

Their whopping 20 years as husband and wife is quite a run when it comes to marriage. Hollywood can often put enough strain on a couple to cause them to split, but there’s also some married couples who have stood the test of time — and then some. Whether’ it’s on the lower end of the spectrum like Will Smith and Jada Pinkett or long-term lovebirds like Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, it’s nice to take a step back and bask in the glory of the Hollywood couples who really stick by each other’s side.

Khloe Kardashian chimed in on Thursday to congratulate the two on their anniversary, saying on her blog:

“Happy anniversary to one of the most wonderful couples in the world, my parents, Kris and Bruce. I cannot believe you two have been married for 20 years… WOW! You have taught me so much about love, devotion, patience and compromise and I am forever grateful to you for that. Here’s to 20 more years together!


So, in honor of Kris and Bruce’s great accomplishment, take a journey through some of Tinseltown’s longest-lasting couples … and may they all last many more years to come.


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